Private Coaching
pre-professionals 15 +
with strong pointe work , pirouettes and jumps
Every dancers needs reliable, multiple pirouettes, beautiful line, musicality and a memorable arabesque. Ladies must have strong pointe work already in place. Men must be able to lift and partner. Jumps and pointe work are a unique part of the technique and maintenance of the finest technique throughout the training and career are paramount for the profession.
Focusing on the feet as the platform for balance in stability and motion, I bring the dancer to new self knowledge of how to govern the quality of their movement. We work as a team to find the most effective actions to promote the dancers strengths and enhance their ability to learn and maintain. Preventive maintenance is part of the schooling of pros and should be part of the training.
Pointe work requires re-visiting depending upon the demands of both variations for competition and the long hours of rehearsing in ballet companies.